Hello! I am Oi Wo a web developer, a gamer, and a father. And Yes, that's my son on the right :)

I am a simple person that love life. In my spare time, on one hand, I like to relax and play some video games. On the other hand, I like to update myself on all kinds of web technology by reading technical blogs. I believe the most efficient way to learn programming is to learn from others' coding.

What services I can provide?

Turn your abstract business idea into reality

Your app is sure to work across in all platforms

Baby Care Tips :)

Some of My Sample Work


This is a website that I've created when I was working in this company.


I was assigned to redesign the support section of The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine when I was working in a digital marketing company called SankyNet.


This was a fun little project that let people submit their beloved pets' photos and vote for the cutest pet!

About Me and Technology I Use

Little Bit About Myself

I specialize in all kinds of PHP front-end, back-end, MVC framework and CMS development (Drupal and Wordpress). I enjoy working on all kinds of web-related projects and love learning new programming languages or framework. I believe that web development is such a fast-changing field that not a single technique can dominate the web world forever without shifting to some other new ideas every few years or even just few months.
So, as a web developer, I believe that keeping myself up-to-date is the way to survive in this ever-evolving field. I am fully confident that the assigned projects will be well-planned and well-implemented. This is also the standard to myself too!


Skills: PHP, JavaScript/jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, REST, Ajax, MySQL, Mustache, Twitter Bootstrap, HTML, CSS

Amazon Web Services: EC2, RDS, S3, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, SES

MVC: Kohana, Laravel

CMS: Drupal, Wordpress

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